
Sri Dattapeeta Seva Charitable Trust will strive hard to keep elders healthy both physically and mentally in providing safe, secured, peaceful, independent and self-esteemed life for elders. We are sure this project will have wide welcome from elders.

Caring of Senior Citizens

We understand the pain of homeless Senior Citizens, to overcome their concern, we at Sri Dattapeeta Trust provide shelter and other basic needs like 24/7 healthcare, nutritional food, clothes, meditation and recreation activities with assistance.

Temple Construction

The funds collected for the Old age Home will also be used for the construction of Shiridi Sai Baba Mandir and Dhyana Mandir in the premises of Old Age Home.

Nitya Annadanam

Our Nitya Annadanam Project seeks to fulfil this last kind of hunger that has a long standing impact on those deprived.

Education for Children

Our project is inclusive of providing Residential Education for the underprivileged Children with 24/7 medical care. We are committed to give Quality Education, which empowers an individual to earn his / her livelihood as a Responsible Citizen.

Welcome to Sri Dattapeeta Seva Charitable Trust (Regd..)

Sri Dattapeeta Seva Charitable Trust (Regd..), A dream project of "Jyothishya Ratna Thapasi B. Anantharamaiah" started with immense dedication towards social welfare.

Sri Dattapeeta Seva Charitable Trust, a non-profitable organisation, providing Old Age Home Services in the Society, with all basic needs, such as Shelter, Medicines, Nutritional Food, Clothes, Library and Recreation Club. We are supported by a dedicated team of volunteers who provide a comfortable environment to the elderly people so that they can live their life with dignity.

Our Trust is registered Under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act, 1961, vide No. CIT(E)BLR/12A/O-110/AAPTS6924A/ITO(E)/VOL.2015-16, to facilitate benifit of Tax Exemption to the Donors.

Sri Dattapeeta Trust has recently purchased 1.28 Acre of land at Ganaganur Grama, Chamarajanagar Taluk / District. We are an initiate phase of constructing Old Age Home, kindly join us in funding to complete this project. Currently, looking for sponsors/ donors, who would be willing to help us to fasten the process of reaching this goal . Thank you in advance for your kind concern with dedication & service / support.

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